Let's talk about Epson Salts

I know this sounds like a very small and weak beginning, but I found it fascinating (doesn't take much to interest me :) when I did research on the Epsom Salts I add to my specially blended bath salts.

Did you know that a cup of Epson Salts added to a warm bath...
1. draws out toxins held in the muscles after a long day
2. helps you relax by pulling stress from your muscles
3. opens pores to purify the skin by removing dirt, stress, and sweat
4. reduces swelling and sooths sprains and bruises
5. relieves pain

You probably knew all of that, but...

Did you also know that Epson Salts...
1. can be used to remove oil and dirt when you can't shampoo your hair
2. restores a sense of well being
3. makes splinters easier to remove
4. helps relievel insect bites, minor rashes and foot calluses
5. leaves skin feeling soft and relaxed

Pretty cool, huh?

One website warned about hot baths (with or without salts) for people with heart trouble, diabetes, or high blood pressure. Check with your doctor just to be sure.

Belinda (who now knows more about Epson Salts that she probably needs to know) :)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Welcome Folk Artists and Those in the Making

Hello and Welcome, Welcome to WhimsyBel's Folk Art Blog!

Whimsy is sometimes defined as quaint, fanciful, or even odd. I love all of those terms. Folk art has many meanings. Some think of it as Outsider Art, some as primitive art. I like to think of it as art from the heart. And I am here to tell you that each of you has some whimsy in you and a heart that is ready to express itself in art.

I will be hosting how-to's on reaching that inner folk artist with simple, easy to make projects on my ning site in a week or so. I hope you will join me in connecting to your inner artist and learning more about yourself!

Start gathering up your copies of favorite pictures, buttons, beads, bells, small objects,keys, marbles, ribbons, magazine pictures or graphics that you like...everything about you. Go through your junk drawer, your old jewelry. Get some ModPodge or Royal Coat decoupage medium...sorry, glue won't work. Drag out your hot glue gun. Make it an adventure to find things and stuff that appeal to you, say something about you, resonate with you. Scan and print your pictures or copy them on a copy machine. Whatever works for you will work! Oh, and you need a glass bottle, or jar, or tin to decorate and a small bottle of white acrylic craft paint.

We're going to be making a Whimsy Bottle or Jar all about you! I'll post one so that you can see how easy they are to make and fasinating they are when they are finished. You will be able to do it and it will be meaningful for you...an act of self-discovery, of making art, and feeding that inner artist you may not even know is there. I have never known anyone who doesn't love theirs. I still treasure the one I made my husband for our second anniversary, and as it fades and blends, it only becomes more beautiful.

So...get ready to learn something new, something fun, something wonderful!

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I like folk art also. I thought I should make a comment here, to let you know I read this. I also like collage art, the whimsy bottle sounds like a 3d collage.
